Growing up without home stability, Melissa now has a home of her own!

Melissa is a very proud mom of two boys. She has always tried her hardest, as a single mother, to give her sons what she never had: stability, confidence and encouragement.

“My biggest dream for myself and my sons is a house—one we can call our own; one that no one can take from us; one we can put the hard work in to make it what we want.”

Melissa didn’t have a bedroom of her own – her boys shared the one bedroom of their apartment.

However, their dream came true, and their home is a completely renovated house in Bristol, the town where one of her sons plays football. Melissa purchased her home in early 2022.

“I want to thank Habitat for Humanity and all of their donors, affiliates and staff. You cannot imagine how a process like this feels to someone like me. You have restored my faith in my beliefs to work hard and be kind, because the rest will always fall into place.”